Sharing an Item in SharePoint Online

Sharing a list item in the modern interface for SharePoint Online has changed and now includes mutliple options.

In the drop down menu, there are 2 options related to permissions: Share and Manage access. Each option will display its own dialogue box with options and settings.

I find users get confused with all the options and the differences between them. So here we will review those options and settings.


Selecting the 3 dots menu for an item and then selecting Share, returns a pop up with options for sharing a link to an item. The link that you share will be active until you stop sharing the link. When you stop sharing the link, the user will no longer be able to access the content using the URL.

There are several types of links that can be shared. Each option will authenticate the users differently, depending on the type of URL created.

  1. Anyone with the link
    • This allows literally anyone with the link to access the item. No authentication is needed. Users can potentially share it with anyone in the world and you will not know who is accessing the content. This is disabled by default; it can be enabled per site collection.
    • You can decide if you want users to be able to read or only edit the link
    • You can set an expiration date on the link. So it will automatically stop working on that date.
    • You can set a password on the item, so users will need a password to access the file but will not have to authenticate.
  2. People in [Your Org’s name] with the link
    • This makes the item public to all internal users. Anyone in the organization with the link can access the item. The users you share the item with will get the link and they can forward it to other internal users and the link will work. The link will not work for guests or external users.
    • You can decide if you want users to be able to read or only edit the link.
  3. People with Existing Access
    • This is the more traditional link that we have used in past versions of SharePoint. This link authenticates based on the item permissions. If the user has access, they can view the item otherwise they will not be able to view the item.
    • This option is just a way to share a link to an item for a user who already has access to the item. It will not give any new users access.
    • Note, this option does not have the allow editing tick box. Since the link does not give edit or read access, it reads the existing item’s permissions.
  4. Specific People
    • Creates a link that will only work for users that you specify to access the content.
    • You can decide if you want users to be able to read or only edit the link.

Once you selected your link type, you can enter the relevant users who should receive the link. Then select Send. An email with the link will be shared with the users.

Manage Access

The manage access option, opens a panel where you can manage the permissions for the item.

  1. Stop SharingYou do NOT want to use this. This removes all user’s permissions and all shared links from the item. Leaving only the owners with access. 99.9% this is NOT what you want to do.
  2. Links Giving Access section – You can modify the settings for any shared links or remove them so they will no longer work.
  3. Direct Access – Lists the users who have access to the item.
    • The plus sign in the header allows you to grant access to users only, this uses the traditional method of granting a user access to SharePoint. But you can only grant the user read or edit access.
    • For any other permission level or to grant access to SharePoint groups, you will need to select the Advanced link. This will take you to the traditional permissions settings page.
    • Interestingly enough, if you look at the advanced permission page. You can see all users who have direct access and users who have been shared links. But not links created using the option – Specific People and in my opinion, the one you want listed there the most. Since that is the only link that you are giving users access in a controlled way.

      This seems to be a glitch in Microsoft’s updates to the sharing options….hopefully they will fix that soon.

Note, anytime you share an item, the permissions for the item breaks. Meaning any changes to the library or site permissions will no longer affect the item. Best practice is to create an information hierarchy that allows permissions inheritance as much as possible. Therefore, share items sparingly and try to rather share with people with existing access when possible or grant the user access at library level. While it can be done, it should be used only when needed.